Tips & Tricks Latest


Dec 31, 2021


As the years go by, you may have noticed that they seem shorter and you have become busier than ever. As we work to fulfill the dreams of others, sacrificing our precious time, doing things we may not even like; we do a disservice to ourselves and our families. 

Our own personal development has to take precedence so we may create a life as opposed to just existing. Although a scary proposition, there have never been more options available to help us get out of the maze of the Rat Race. 

Seems simple....right? Simple, Yes! Easy, not really! It is hard work, it comes with risk and you have to get your mindset straight! Please don’t misunderstand; you do not have to be self employed to escape the Wheel, but if you are going to remain employed, let your passion be not just for money or you will get back in the same situation. 


If you’re asking, it’s likely. Still have doubts? Ask yourself a few questions, be truthful with your answers; after all this is for you!

  • Are you working to fulfill someone else’s dreams?
  • Do you feel unappreciated or replaceable at your current position? 
  • Do you find yourself bringing work home more than 20% of the time? 
  • Do you make enough money and still worry about every dime you spend?
  • Are you sacrificing time with friends, family, or for yourself (exercise and hobbies) because you are too tired at the end of the day? 
  • Do you envy others because they have a better life, more money and work less? 
  • Do you see Sunday night as a painful time because work starts in the morning? 
  • Are you afraid to change your life or are you “just waiting for the right time”? 

If you identified with most or all of these questions, you are in the Rat Race. So now what? Are you going to take imperfect action or will you piss and moan? 


Some people enter the corporate world, embrace the Corporate Ladder and never question what is asked of them, following blindly hoping to reach the next rung without incident. Others work for ‘security’. They believe that it is safer to keep the job, trade time for money and rely on a paycheck. They are afraid to fail.

Getting out of the Rat Race requires fortitude, effort and risk. This scares most people into remaining with a false sense of security, keeping their job while never realizing they stopped climbing the Corporate Ladder and are just spinning their wheels. Albeit they spin faster, they don’t usually realize that there is no longer any momentum. 



The Rat Race feels productive, and like the right thing to do by societal standards, when we look deeper we see it for the trap that it is. These tips helped me to finally leave the Rat Race easier than my initial fears suggested.

Carpe Diem - Take action immediately, no matter how imperfect! Fear leads to excuses, excuses lead to procrastination, procrastination typically leads to failure. The time is now; Embrace It!

Identify Your “Why” - What is your true motivation for the changes you want to make? Embrace it! Love It! Live It! Having a reason to succeed gives you strength when things get tough. The better prepared you are, the easier time you will have. Once you know your “Why”, the problems, challenges and obstacles that were so daunting diminish as they no longer have the same power to influence you. 

Establish Goals - Now that you know your “Why”; what supports your vision? What do you have to do to achieve these things? Establish Goals; they are necessary! If you have not set Goals before, start with this simple acronym: S.M.A.R.T 

  • S = Specific - Be Clear & Concise
  • M = Measurable - Quantify to track progress
  • A = Attainable - must be achievable, believable and conceivable
  • R = Relevant - Must be relevant to your ‘Big Picture’, your life
  • T = Timely - Not only a set end date but benchmarks to stay on task.

Goals by themselves can become a very intricate piece of your success. There are several more characteristics you should always include. Write them Down! Share them with those who can support and help you! Hold yourself Accountable! Review them often; I recommend daily! A Harvard Business Study states that those with goals are 10x more likely to succeed. It also states that the 3% of those that write them down are three times as likely to succeed than those just having goals. There will be times when you have to adjust your goals because of outside influences, but don’t fret about those! Always build momentum, and know our path! 

Change how you see money - Most fear they will never save enough money to escape the Rat Race. This usually leads to a person quitting before they even start. When you see money through the lens of scarcity, it typically becomes scarce. No one expects you to quit your job and thrust yourself into a bad situation, nor should you! To offset this further you may want to review your expenses and see what you may be able to live without briefly. I do not believe comforts should be sacrificed for happiness as that would be an oxymoron. I am not a fan of contradiction.

Embrace Setbacks - Setbacks, much like failure, can be used to learn from. Draw a positive from challenging times. Learn from each making the next easier to meet head-on! Use this opportunity for growth to your advantage!

Picture your worst case scenario - Be realistic, this is to prepare you for what could happen. Don’t psych yourself out; when you can imagine the worst, it rarely comes to fruition if you are not focused on it. What this will do is give you strength as your imagined worse will almost always be far worse than reality. Remember a situation you thought may have dire consequences? Maybe the first time you saw your current spouse and you were hesitant to approach them for whatever imagined reason you had at the time. It worked out well, didn’t it? 

Create the best you - Help yourself become a better version of yourself in ways that support your journey. Read books & articles that expand your knowledge and expertise. Listen to Podcasts, Interviews, etc. Seek out a Mentor that has taken the journey that you have embarked upon. By gaining knowledge and expertise, you become confident and self-assured, allowing you to meet your goals sooner. 

Fix your Mindset - I am not saying become the bubbly, overly-positive ridiculous person. I am saying to understand your mind and identify any hang ups that get in the way. When you are stuck, it's usually your mind holding you hostage because of something that has happened to you in the past. Remember, 90% of all we achieve is because of our minds! Know yours, and learn how to control it by fixing misperceptions that could stop you in any way.

Whatever you do, Don’t Give Up! Build the life of your dreams and live it with fervor and passion! Your success matters so much more than you think!